Dogs have a very developed sense of smell and can smell about 100,000 times more than humans. Dogs have become man’s best friend and have lived with humans for centuries.
Is it not embarrassing to live in the same house with someone who is about 100,000 times smarter than you when it comes to smell? Can you imagine how special will you treat your dog if you got to know that your dog could smell all your secrets?
1. Ovulation:
2. Involvement in sexual activity:
3. Pregnancy:
4. Emotions:
5. Disease:
6. Glucose levels:
Studies have shown that dogs are able to detect your glucose levels which is how they are able to detect high glucose levels indicative of diabetes.
7. Pests around you:
Your dog is able to smell pests in your household like snakes, bedbugs, cockroaches, rats, and mice.
8. Drugs: if you take drugs, your dog is able to smell drugs on you. This might not be limited to illegal drugs only but other drugs can be detected too by your dog. This capability is what is exploited in sniffing dogs
9. Your family and friends: each person has a unique smell therefore anyone who comes around you produces chemical signals that your dog is able to detect. this is stored and used to identify the person. So yes your dog is able to identify your family and friends.
10. Natural disasters:
Dogs are able to smell natural disasters just like many animals.
It is important to know that dogs are capable of smelling so many things, this is the ability trainers exploit in sniffing and working dogs. in most situations what is done is to teach the dog how to communicate with us humans when they detect a specific smell associated with a particular thing.
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Dogs have an acute olfactory system that is made up of two classical components; the main olfactory epithelium (MOE) and the vomeronasal organ(VNO).
The lining of these organs has millions of smell receptor cells that work in a complex manner to detect chemicals or smells that actually outnumber the smell receptors themselves.
All animals including humans use chemical communications to identify food, sexual partners, predators, individuals of their species, and other species of animals. Through evolution, some animals have developed vestigial forms of the olfactory system while predators like the dog have developed a more sophisticated olfactory system.
Do you now understand why dogs can smell 100000 times more than humans? What can your dog know about you that you might not even know about yourself?
check out animal psychology test hacks.